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Veterinary Services Desexing

Not all speys are created equal! Desexings at the Cairns Vet Clinic are safer and more comfortable, because we include modern analgesic/anaesthetic protocols, catheterisation, intravenous fluid therapy, proper intra-operative monitoring, take-home pain relief, and an Elizabethan collar, all as standard.

Desexing is a surgical procedure performed under general anaesthesia, which prevents sexual and reproductive behaviour and related health and behaviour problems. In males the surgery, called a Castration, involves the removal of the testicles. In females the surgery, called a Spey, involves the removal of both the ovaries and the uterus.

Desexing can extend the life and health of your pet. In female dogs and cats, desexing prevents the risk of conditions such as cystic ovaries, ovarian tumours, uterine infections, mammary tumours (breast cancer) as well as physical and nutritional exhaustion if breeding continually. In males, desexing prevents the risk of conditions such as prostate cancer or disorders and testicular cancer. Desexing male cats reduces territorial fighting, which in turn prevents cat fight abscesses and decreases the risk of exposure to life threatening diseases such as FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus). Desexing also reduces inappropriate and embarrassing sexual behaviour and can also help prevent wandering, territorial aggression, fighting, dominance, urine marking, howling and yowling.

The best time to desex your pet is between 3 and 6 months of age but pets of any age can be desexed.

For more information about desexing your pet or to make an appointment please call us.

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